viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

Changed roles - PE Privacy

- I moved from Infra to Privacy
- Wait, what?
- Yup.

I started working with Privacy PE to support teams that create solutions to keep our user’s private information, private. So I’m still a Production Engineer but instead of shipping logs now I’ll fix, improve, automate or scale services that deal with user data.

Because I believe I can contribute to make Facebook safer. 

I am a Facebook user, most of my family is, however most of my friends are not, basically, because they don’t trust us.

We have our issues with privacy. We have a history of leaks and abuse. I want to help change that so one day, hopefully, we set the standards for others to follow.

My new team’s first engagement is to improve the production systems that do data discovery and classification. They built a service to analyze all the databases we have in order to determine if they contain user identifiable information (UII). There is a recent paper with more information out there . We use this system as a safety net alongside our other data policy enforcement systems to ensure no UII is left without data retention and access controls enforced.

That’s the kind of service I’ll be working on from now on. It’s a big change and a great challenge.
I think I’ll be up to it.

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